Tutorial 05

The tutorial here is to teach how we could create something from scratch, and that something can be added with some effect.

First we are to make a brush preset. We draw it using  lasso tool, use gaussian blur to soften the area, and brush the edge with dark color.

Once I set the preset I was able to draaw many of them using the brush tools. This I am to draw tons of them to create the flaming effect on his hand. The color white is used. Later the box that appeared below are resulted from the filter of cloud using two different color. Use Color level to adjust the color of he box, because the box is meant to filling that into the flame.

As you can see, the flame has the color, and the distortion was caused by liquify filtering. In Liquify, there’s lot of option you can play with. Thus I create something like of japanese anime design of ghostly fire.

Next is the black smoke. I realize that now i know how to create cloud out of the same technique used to create the color of the flame. You can adjust the appearance of the colouring in the color level. The original color is white and black, but the color level has made it look as if there’s only black color floating on the air. Amazing.

December 19, 2008. Uncategorized.

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